I have developed a course on water hammer. The course is accredited by ECSA (The Engineering Council of South Africa). It provides 1 CPD point.
The course will be presented in all major centres.
You can register online here: https://store.saice.org.za/course/courseDetails/id/93/schedule_id/976
For more information please contact Cheryl-Lee Williams on 011 805 5947 or by email to cheryl-lee@saice.org.za
The course can also be presented in-house. This is a good option if your organisation has several engineers. Please contact me about this.
Course content
The course will provide delegates with a better understanding of what cases water hammer, and practical solutions to it.
A typical installation of pump station, pipeline and reservoir is studied for the creation of water hammer. Such an installation covers 90% of applications in the water industry.
- At the pump station the most common problem is power failures, which can result in severe pressure spikes.
- At the reservoir the most common problem is level control valves which close too fast.
- In the pipeline, areas of air entrapment have to be identified to make sure these are eliminated. Areas where pressure can be below atmospheric pressure also have to be identified and eliminated.
The above will be dealt with, and various modern solutions identified.